Fallout shelter lag pc
Fallout shelter lag pc

fallout shelter lag pc

Confirm you want to uninstall the game.Right click Fallout Shelter in your Steam Library.These are local configuration files and should not be altered in this process. Please Note: One or more files may fail to verify, in most cases this is normal.Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.Select the Local files tab and click Verify integrity of game files.From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.To do so, click on the cog icons from the game’s main menu and tick or untick the WINDOWED checkbox.Change from Windowed to Full Screen mode (or vice versa):.Check to ensure your PC has the latest graphics card drivers:.If your computer meets the game’s requirements, you should try the following troubleshooting steps.

fallout shelter lag pc

What are you waiting for? Get started building your Vault today for FREE.If you are experiencing performance issues with Fallout Shelter on PC, you should first ensure that your PC meets the game’s minimum requirements. Vault-Tec has provided the tools, but the rest is up to you. Prepare your Dwellers to protect against threats from the outside…and within. But don’t let them die!įrom time to time, idyllic Vault life may be disrupted by the dangers of post-nuclear life. Find new armor and weapons, gain experience, and earn Caps. Send Dwellers above ground to explore the blasted surface left behind and seek adventure, handy survival loot, or unspeakable death. Or, take an active role in their personal lives play matchmaker and watch the sparks fly! Build a Radio Room to attract new Dwellers. Turn worthless junk into useful items with Crafting! Customize the look of any dweller in the Barbershop.Ī well-run Vault requires a variety of Dwellers with a mix of skills. Provide them with outfits, weapons, and training to improve their abilities. Find their ideal jobs and watch them flourish. Get to know your Dwellers and lead them to happiness. Build the perfect Vault, keep your Dwellers happy, and protect them from the dangers of the Wasteland.Ĭreate a brighter future…underground! Select from a variety of modern-day rooms to turn an excavation beneath 2,000 feet of bedrock into the very picture of Vault Life. Fallout Shelter puts you in control of a state-of-the-art underground Vault from Vault-Tec.

Fallout shelter lag pc